SDN testing

TecHelium is a leading provider of outsourced Test engineering services to help test your SD-WAN product. We count some of the leading Global SD-WAN companies as our esteemed clients. Our team of SD-WAN test experts bring years of deep expertise, having tested multiple SD-WAN solutions over the years.

  • Test faster
  • Test Better
  • Save cost

Keep pace with the fast development cycle

Testing is a very important aspect and given the speed of development and featire addition, its imperative to ensure all the components are fully tested before release. This adds enormous pressure on the QA team to ensure through and complete testing Added to this is the speed to automate.

This calls for a partner who has the expertise and has a team that can hit the ground running from day one.

TecHelium will be an invaluable partner

  • Protocols – Web UI, REST API, Security, Feature testing, Functionality testing, Performance testing, Use case based testing, End to end system testing, integration with third party appliances, uCPE, VcPE testing

SD-WAN is a highly competivite market space and each day brings a different set of challenges to companies that develop and offer SD-WAN solution.

In this highly competitive market, speed of innovation matters a lot and keep tight time line on road map and the ability to change the feature road maps is the key to staying ahead of the game.

Customers are also demanding and are much more knowldgelble to push companies to provide feature rich solution.

In this dynamic and action oriented market, ts always a challenge to keep pace and keep up the customer demands. Any slip up could be costly and may mean loss of new business.

IN this highly demanding environment, its imperative to have the test team fully charged and ready to handle the various testing challenges.

Having a partner who has been through this and understands the pressure and have the ability to sustain and maintain the pace of delivery will be a boon.

TecHeliim has been working with some of the leading SD-WAN vendors and shouldering a lot of responsibilities. The added bandwidth the TH brings makes a big difference especially when the time lines are stiff and there is so much to be done.

Independent Testing – Take up Test responsibilities

There are times when you want the test partner to work independently on certain aspects and take up the responsibility that entire piece of testing. This will add more bandwidth to your team and also ensue that the partner gets more integrated with your test initiatives, In the long run, this is a win win for both as you will find a partner who has shoulder responsibilities and keep pace with your demanding development cycles.

Continuous Automation

As more and more features are added periodically, its also have update the test plans and maintain the test cases. These manual test case need to be fully automated for continuous regression testing.

TecHelium is well experienced to manage the automation aspect. With expertise in Python and familiarity with most kind of automation frame work, this an area where we can augment and ensure that all of the test cases are automate, checked and then added to the test repository.

We have a well defined process where in

– Review the manual test cases
– Convert them to a step by step process
– Have the steps reviewed
– Automate the steps and validate the test case
– Submit for review
– Once approved check in the test cases

Regression Testing

Web UI has now come to be a key part of the SD-WAN solution, All of the cofiguratiosn and reports are Web UI based. The other aspect is that the web UI development is evelvoing and based on the end use requests, the uses interface will conitine to change.

This calls for a team that has a firm grip on testing the UO features and also at the back end, validate the configuration and other parameters suing the CLI.

This way, once ensue that what is configured at the Web UI side flows down all the way to the appliance.

TecHelium has a lot of expertise on testing and automation the

REST API Testing
With REST PAI now being a standard on most appliance, its critical to ensure that all of the REST PAI calls are thoroughly validedt and tested.
As part of our test offering we offer REST API testing